about urdc
Urban Research & Development Corporation (URDC) offers a wide range of development services for manufactured home communities. For the past 50 years URDC has provided professional services for over 300 manufactured home communities throughout the United States and Canada. These communities have ranged in size from 25 homes to over 2,200 homes complete with 18-hole golf courses.
URDC will strengthen both your overall development program and a specific project because:
We are one of the few firms that understands the entire manufactured home development process from initial market research through site selection, design, engineering, construction, operation and management.
We are adept at understanding and dealing with the many physical, political, zoning and economic forces influencing your development.
We have prepared many development plans and programs for successful and award winning manufactured home developments.
urdc services
URDC provides services to a client from either the beginning to the end of a project, or at a variety of selected steps along the way to achieve a successful manufactured home community.
Market Research and Feasibility – URDC’s market research looks beyond documentation of the existing situation. We help maximize market opportunities and improve project marketability.
Zoning and Development Ordinance Evaluation – URDC is uniquely qualified to analyze and evaluate zoning and development ordinances affecting your proposed development. We also propose workable ordinance amendments when regulations are inappropriate or unreasonable.
Site Selection and Development Feasibility – URDC uses its experience to examine viable alternatives, help select the prime site and determine the development feasibility of your project.
Concept / Schematic Design – Success depends upon high quality conceptual site designs and layouts before more expensive and detailed engineering begins. URDC’s landscape architects / land planners are creative, practical and very experienced in manufactured home community site planning.
Community Impact Studies – URDC has completed many community impact evaluations that objectively address a community’s concerns and provide clear, rational explanations about community benefits.
Expert Zoning Testimony – URDC’s widely recognized expertise in zoning preparation and testimony have resulted in a number of landmark court zoning decisions supporting manufactured home developments.
Site Planning and Design – URDC brings award-winning experience in turning concept plans into final site development plans. The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, the Urban Land Institute, McGraw-Hill, and other national and state agencies and associations have used our manufactured home development site planning and design standards.
Economic and Financial Feasibility – URDC combines market feasibility results, schematic design plans, generalized cost estimates and sales / occupancy forecasts with the use of sophisticated financial software to determine the economic feasibility of your project.
Preliminary and Final Engineering Plans – URDC’s experience in the finite details of design and engineering enables us to create the most efficient and economically engineered developments, while retaining innovative site designs desired by the market.
Cash Flow and Pro Forma Analysis – URDC projects cash flows and undertakes pro forma analysis of alternatives to help you select the most appropriate financing, construction and occupancy schedules to maximize the return on your proposed development.
Financial Packaging Assistance – URDC prepares professionally complete financing packages. They are sensitive to lender requirements and ensure that the unique characteristics and operation methods of manufactured home developments are understood.
Development and Construction Management – URDC provides overall and day-to-day development and construction management of manufactured home communities from the beginning of construction to full operation.
Marketing Program – URDC prepares marketing strategies, sales brochures, indoor display areas, sales model / corral area approaches and special promotional material to successfully market projects.
Operations and Management – URDC assists with operation, management and maintenance strategies as well as policies, rules and regulations, leases, lot rates and capital replacement schedules.
Evaluation of Existing Developments for Sale, Purchase and/or Upgrading – URDC assists prospective purchasers in evaluating acquisition opportunities. We assist owners of existing manufactured home communities in evaluating their developments for upgrading, expansion and sale.
Affordable Housing Strategies and Gaining Acceptance of Manufactured Homes in the Community – URDC assists many agencies and associations with zoning and development standards for manufactured home developments, education programs and strategies for allowing manufactured homes.
Consensus Building and Conflict Resolution – URDC has a widely recognized experience and reputation in consensus building and conflict resolution,.....specifically in obtaining community acceptance of many manufactured home communities in a variety of difficult situations.
We would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about your project. In an initial, no-obligation meeting or telephone conference, we can learn more about your project, make suggestions and determine how URDC can assist you.
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